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Brainstorm: Mercury / Saturn Astrology Aspects

Brainstorm: Mercury/Saturn Astrology Aspects interprets astrology aspects between Mercury and Saturn. Written in short, fragmented sentences, this article embraces phrases, concepts, imagery, and more to evoke meaning. Entertaining read for new and experienced astrologers alike. This article is included in the Planet Combinations astrology eBook.

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ight-lipped. Reluctant to communicate. Blocks to communication. Speech impediments. “Just the facts, ma’am.” Concentration. Careful thought. Speaking only after due consideration. Structured thinking. Obstacles to education. Education comes only with hard work. Learning difficulties. Working through communication issues. Censorship. Self-censoring. Cautious communication. Hesitant to speak. Hesitant to reveal your thoughts. Limited outlets for verbal expression. Writer’s block.

Needing approval from an authority. Feeling that you need permission to express your thoughts. Feeling like you have a vice grip around your throat. Feeling like your mouth is sewn shut. Mute. Keeping mum. Vows of silence. Sworn to secrecy. Receiving confession.

Negative thinking. Depressing thoughts. Serious-minded. Focusing your thoughts. Narrow thinking. Narrow focus. Responsible decision making. Thinking about the potential consequences of what you say. The disciplined mind. An economy of words. Serious thinkers. Not talkative. Laconic. Taciturn. Reticent. Terse. Succinct. Restrained speech. Feeling that you had better button your lip. Mental persistence and perseverance. Fearful communication. Being afraid to tell people what you think. Being afraid to make your thoughts known. Pessimists. Naysayers. Debbie Downer. Data-crunchers. Academics. People who can distill the facts.

Preferring serious discussions. Austerity. Less talking. Less communication. Mastering language. Mastering thought. Mastering communication. Gaining mastery over communication and language problems with hard work. Struggling to explain yourself. Not knowing what to say. My lips are sealed. Good confidantes. The mind of an architect. Feeling that you can’t say anything right. Feeling that it’s better to say nothing at all.

Passing or failing tests. Thinking that people are testing you. Getting very good at things to prove what you know. Teaching what you know. Hard logic. Practical thinking. Thinking in straight lines. Rigid thought patterns. Learning by rote. Learning best by reading. Studying. Giving form to ideas. Making something of your ideas. Taking the steps necessary to turn ideas into reality. Having the perseverance to follow an idea through to completion. Timing your words. Needing to find the right time to talk. Wise words. Siblings with limitations. Feeling separate from your siblings. Only child. Taking the conventional approach. Using a method. Scientists. Writers. Academics. Business-minded people. Engineers. Liking to use definitions. Interested in definitions. Having a structured thought process. Understanding how to get from point A to point B. Understanding how much you have left to learn. Thinking that whatever you know isn’t enough. You’re not going to figure this out.


  • Commerce & Trade
  • Communication, Linking & Connecting Information
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  • Local Travel & Between Worlds
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  • Bootlegger?
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  • Gossip
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  • Mule? (with Pluto?)
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  • Buy a notebook / upgrade your pens & pencils / learn calligraphy
  • Communicate / Explain it in your own words
  • Connect worlds
  • Converse
  • Deal with neighbors
  • Get some errands done
  • Go to the park
  • Put boots on the ground
  • Read / Visit a bookstore
  • Say what you've got to say
  • Take a class / Take a workshop / Buy a self-guided study kit
  • Take a day trip
  • Talk to siblings
  • Teach a class / Teach a workshop / Hone your skills
  • Visit your favorite shops
  • Walk around town
  • Write a letter / Write a novel / Blog / Journal / Jot ideas down
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  • Cronus, Chronus, or Kronos (the word cronos may mean "crow")
  • Father Time
Excerpt from Robert Graves, The Greek Myths :1, 6.b-6.5
  • Crow
  • Sickle
  • Brother, and husband, of Rhea
  • Father of Jupiter, Neptune, Pluto, and Chiron
  • Grandfather of Persephone
  • Son of Uranus
  • Youngest of the 7 Titans
  • Jupiter / Saturn make a conjunction every 19.859 years
  • Saturn / Uranus make a conjunction every 45.363 years
  • Saturn / Neptune make a conjunction every 35.87 years
  • Saturn / Pluto make a conjunction every 33.42 years
  • Ageing & Maturation
  • Discipline & Restraint
  • Fear & Reality Checks
  • Limitation & Boundaries
  • Making do with less
  • Manifestation & Crystallization
  • Responsibility & Hard Work
  • Seriousness & Gravity
  • Structure & Order
  • Wisdom gained through age & experience
  • Working harder for the same outcome
  • Elder
  • Father Time
  • Grandparent
  • Killjoy
  • Loner
  • Old Fart / Fuddy duddy
  • Old Guard
  • Old Maid  / Cat Lady / Spinster (maybe with Venus or Moon)
  • "Old Soul?" (with Neptune)
  • Rule Maker
  • Stick in the mud
  • The Denied
  • The Establishment
  • The Neglected
  • The Wizened
  • Wise person
  • Cut back
  • Demarcate your boundaries
  • Draw a line in the sand
  • Get real
  • Get serious
  • Get your affairs in order
  • Give yourself a reality check
  • Go minimal
  • Just say no!
  • Learn the lesson, then move on
  • Less is more
  • Limit interations wherever Saturn falls
  • Trim the fat
  • Use your time wisely
  • Aches & pains
  • Aging
  • Cut backs
  • Getting wrinkles
  • Going bald
  • Gray hair
  • Lack
  • Limitation
  • Low resources
  • Maturation
  • Neglect
  • Responsibility
  • Restrictions
  • Slim margins
  • Trimming
  • Working harder for the same outcome
The Greek Myths: Volumes 1 & 2, by Robert Graves
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