Natal Venus Through the Houses
In a Natal chart
ith Venus in the first house of your natal chart, your worldview is filtered through a Venusian lens.
In a Natal chart
ith Venus in the second house of your natal chart,
In a Natal chart
ith Venus in the third house of your natal chart,
In a Natal chart
ith Venus in the fourth house of your natal chart,
See also Brainstorm: Venus / IC Aspects
In a Natal chart
ith Venus in the fifth house of your natal chart,
In a Natal chart
ith Venus in the sixth house of your natal chart,
In a Natal chart
ith Venus in the seventh house of your natal chart,
ith Venus in the eighth house of your natal chart,
In a Natal chart
ith Venus in the ninth house of your natal chart, religion, academia, abstract thinking, travel, and the search for knowledge have a big impact on your love life.
In a Natal chart
ith Venus in the tenth house of your natal chart,
In a Natal chart
ith Venus in the eleventh house of your natal chart,
In a Natal chart
ith Venus in the twelfth house of your natal chart,
- Androphonos, "man-slayer"
- Afrodita
- Aphrodite in Greek, meaning "foam born" (Venus is her Roman counterpart)
- Aphrodite Urania (Eldest of the Three Fates)
- Epitymbria, "of the tombs"
- Goddess of Death-in-Life
- Goddess of Love
- Melaenis, "black one"
- Scotia, "dark one"
- The Lesser Benefic
- The Fates assigned only one divine duty to make love
- When Venus tried weaving, Athene, Goddess of Wisdom got so upset that Venus was infringing on her territory, that Venus apologized and never did a day's work after that
- Through a complicated chain of events, Venus and Persephone, Queen of the Underworld were in a fight over the affections of the handsome mortal man, Adonis
- She (at least once) renewed her virginity in the sea
- When Venus and Persephone fought over Adonis, it was Calliope, Muse of Eloquence, who handed down the judgment that the two Goddesses had equal claim to him. It was arranged that Adonis would spend 1/3 year with Venus, 1/3 with Persephone, and 1/3 by himself
- Mars (Ares), God of War was so envious of Venus's relationship with Adonis that he transformed into a boar and gored Adonis to death in front of her
- Hephaestus, her husband, laid a trap and caught Venus and Mars with a net, while they were in bed together
- Hephaestus tried to get all of the other Gods involved in his marriage problems, which Zeus (Jupiter), King of the Gods, thought was repugnant
- Magic Girdle: the magic girdle made everyone fall in love with whoever was wearing it
- Venus would not lend the Magic Girdle to any of the other goddesses
- Arts Appreciation
- Beauty & Good Looks
- Charm & Romance
- Love & Flirting
- Relationship Commitment
- Style & Aesthetic
- Values & Self-Worth
- Wealth & Assets
- Your Taste in...Whatever (Al Gusto)
- Passivity & Laziness
- Love of Peace
- Vanity & Superficiality
- Art reviewer
- Artist
- Beautiful person
- Diplomat
- Eye candy
- Fashion designer
- Fashionista
- Graphic designer
- Illustrator
- Interior designer
- Negotiator
- Peacemaker
- Seducer
- Style icon
- Stylist
- Daughter of Zeus (Jupiter), King of the Gods
- Lover to Mars (Ares), God of War
- Mother of Eros (her son with either Mars, Mercury, or Jupiter -her father - depending on the source)
- Mother of Phobus, Deimus, and Harmonia (with Mars)
- Mother of Priapus (with Dionysus)
- Mother of many other children, including Hermaphroditus
- Object of both Mercury (Hermes) and Neptune's (Poseidon) affections (they were in love with her)
- Rival of Persephone, Queen of the Underworld for the affections of the handsome mortal, Adonis
- Sister of the Erinnyes, aka The Furies
- Wife of Vulcan (Hephaestus), whom she cheated on with Mars