Planets & Things in the 8th house
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olding space for deep, intimate exchanges.
eading into depth work. Focusing on building trust. Practicing your psychic skills. Buying insurance, all kinds of insurance. Auto insurance, life insurance, flood insurance, fire insurance, pet insurance … Learning to be responsible with other people’s money. Opening a joint bank account. Leaving a legacy. Leaving an inheritance. Setting up a retirement fund. Making sure you leave a will.
See also: Nodes by Sign and House
ocusing on personal security. Being careful of how you use your psychic sensitivity. Being aware of how you could get pulled into the dark side of occult practices. Coming in with a lot of occult experience. Coming in as a natural researcher. Coming in as a natural detective. Learning how to take care of your actual physical body, the only material thing that is actually yours.
See also: Nodes by Sign and House
other goddess of intimacy. Nurturing the intimate.
rust and jealousy issues in intimate relationships. Partner possessiveness is tested after marriage. How suspicious will you become? Will you respect your partner’s right to privacy? Will your partner respect your right to privacy? Will you provoke each other, fanning the flames of infidelity? What will your marriage bed be like? Who will control the money? Will you let your partner have their own credit card? Do you trust them? Are you going to hire a private investigator to follow your partner around? Are you going to make yourself crazy with paranoid thoughts about who they are texting?
ccult strategies. Discerning a web of interconnectedness.
ending the flame of secret knowledge. Revive occult ritual. Tend the flame of your favorite occult practice.
he Cosmic Radio is tuned in to an intimate frequency. Death radio. Funerary tunes. The cutting edge of mortuary.
ccult feminism.
hthonic occult feminism. Unbridled intimacy. Wild emotional interior.
8th house
- Atonement
- Death & Funerary
- Debts, Credits, & Taxes
- Fundraising, Financial Support, & Insurance
- Intrusive interactions
- Joint Assets
- Legacies, Inheritances, Trusts, & Estates
- Nosiness
- Personal Trust & Privacy
- Psychology & Psychological Assets
- Sex, Intimacy, and Deep Sharing
- Salacious things
- Scandalous things
- Sharing what you have
- The Occult, Forbidden, & Taboo
- What you have (2nd house) versus what you want or desire (8th house)
- Your Partner’s Assets & the Results of Marriage
- Busybody
- Debt Collector
- Detective
- Insurance Agent
- IRS Agent
- Loan Shark
- Nosy, intrusive, prying people
- Paparazzi? (probably with 5th and Neptune)
- Psychic
- Researcher
- Repo Man (with 2nd house)
- Snoops
- Tell-all memoir writers (probably with 3rd)
- Auction house
- Confessional (with 9th house)
- Estate Sale (with 2nd house)
- Flea Market (with 2nd house)
- Funeral home
- Loan office
- ObGyn
- Playboy Mansion (maybe with 5th)
- Strip Club (maybe with 5th)
- Surgery
- Therapist's Office
- Thrift Store (with 2nd house)
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